Autonomy: LASIG’s newsletter

Previously known as Independence, Autonomy is LASIG’s newsletter. Visit our members’ area to view past issues of our newsletter.

There are a variety of sections in the newsletter:

Articles: Non-theoretical, reflective, practice-based texts in which teachers talk about their own pedagogies for autonomy, work, and research.

Teachers’ Corner: Ideas for implementing aspects of autonomy in different contexts and settings.

Learner autonomy stories: Accounts of personal and professional growth and journeys of change through engaging with individual’s stories of autonomy in language education.

Conversations: Discussions and interviews about developing learner autonomy, teacher education for learner autonomy and/or connections between teacher autonomy and teacher autonomy in situated, collaborative discourse.

Columns: Sequences of articles on a specific topic by an expert on a learner autonomy-related field. Recent Independence columns include Pathfinder (on learner advising experiences) and Tech Talk (on fresh ideas to use CALL resources).

Reviews: Critiques of individual academic papers, book chapters, or entire books, which readers have found useful for learner, teacher and/or personal development.

Reflections: Reports of learner autonomy-related events from the reporter’s perspective, often focused on LASIG regional or global activities (but not limited to them).

We are actively looking for contributors to the newsletter. Here’s why you should you contribute to Autonomy:

  • It’s an easy way to be published
  • You receive name recognition among experts in the field of learner autonomy
  • You can share your ideas about learner autonomy
  • It makes you a more active member of our community
  • It raises the profile of your institution
  • It looks good on your CV

Even if you are new to autonomy or you haven’t given much thought to this concept so far, we are sure you have relevant stories, articles, interviews … to share, as developing autonomy is part of every good learning (we believe), even if you don’t call it that: you may be calling it learner training, developing independence, self-access, advising for learning, pro-active learning and many more. If you find any connection between learner autonomy and what you do, do consider writing a contribution. The editorial team is happy to help you with your ideas for a contribution.


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To contact us about contributing to or advertising in Autonomy, fill out the following form:

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